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Chaos Allure Queen

Chaos Allure Queen

English - Near Mint - 1st Edition
of 16 available
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Product Details
Number: ROTA-EN011
Rarity: Common
Attribute: LIGHT
Monster Type: Spellcaster
Card Type: Effect Monster
Attack: 1500
Defense: 1500
Description: You can discard 1 other LIGHT or DARK monster; Special Summon this card from your hand. You can target 1 monster in either GY; equip it to this card as an Equip Spell, and if you do, this card's name becomes that equipped monster's name (until the End Phase), then if you equipped a LIGHT or DARK Monster Card by this effect, you can Special Summon 1 DARK "Allure Queen" monster from your Deck or GY. You can only use each effect of "Chaos Allure Queen" once per turn.