Product Details
Rarity: Super Rare
Number: BT3-018
Description: [EX-Evolve] (R), place 1 card from your hand in the Drop Area : Red "General Rilldo" with an energy cost of 5 or more. (Play this card on top of the specified card)
[Double Strike]
[Activate: Main] [Once per turn] Place 1 {Planet M-2} from your hand or Battle Area in the Drop Area : Draw 2 cards. Then, choose your opponent''s Leader Card, and it loses -5000 power for the duration of the turn. Then, choose all of your opponent''s Battle Cards, and they lose -10000 power for the duration of the turn.
Card Type: Battle
Color: Red
Energy(Color Cost): 7(RRRR)
Special Trait: Machine Mutant
Power: 30000
Combo Power: 10000
Combo Energy: 1
Era: Black Star Dragon Ball Saga
Character: General Rilldo