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Bulma, Stalwart Adventurer

English - Near Mint - Foil
of 34 available
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Product Details
Rarity: Starter Rare
Number: SD20-03
Description: [Permanent] If your Leader is a yellow "Son Goku: Childhood" card, yellow non-"Great Ape" "Son Goku: Childhood" cards in your Battle Area get +5000 power.
[+2] [Activate: Main] If your Leader is a yellow Z-Leader or a yellow "Great Ape" "Son Goku: Childhood" card: Play up to 1 yellow non-"Great Ape" "Son Goku: Childhood" card with an energy cost of 3 or less from your hand.
[-1] [Auto] When your opponent attacks, switch this card to Active Mode and it gains [Blocker] for the turn.
Card Type: Unison
Color: Yellow
Energy(Color Cost): X(Y)
Power: 1000