Product Details
Rarity: Rare
Number: DB3-070
Description: [Auto] When your opponent combos, you may place 1 card from your opponent's Combo Area in its owner's Drop Area. If you do, negate this skill for the turn.
[Auto] If you have 3 or more energy : When this card is removed from your Battle Area by an opponent's skill or KO'd, play 1 "Hirudegarn" card with an energy cost of 6 from your deck or hand, then shuffle your deck if you looked through it. If you didn't play a Battle Card, your opponent chooses 1 card in their hand and discards it.
Card Type: Battle
Color: Green
Energy(Color Cost): 4(GG)
Special Trait: Phantom Demon
Power: 20000
Combo Power: 5000
Combo Energy: 0
Era: -
Character: Hirudegarn