Monday - Sunday 11AM - 8PM
Janemba, Wicked Agent of Destruction

Janemba, Wicked Agent of Destruction

English - Near Mint - Normal
of 15 available
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Product Details
Rarity: Expansion Rare
Number: EX13-08
Description: [±0] [Activate:Main] You and your opponent draw 1 card, then your opponent places the top card of their deck in their Drop Area.
[+1] [Activate:Main] This card gains [Critical] for the turn.
[-2] [Activate:Main/Battle] If your opponent has 15 or less cards in their deck : This card gets +15000 power and [Triple Strike] for the turn.
Card Type: Unison
Color: Blue
Energy(Color Cost): X(BB)
Power: 15000