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Android 16, Final Wish

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Product Details
Rarity: Uncommon
Number: BT21-074
Description: [Deflect] [Blocker]
[Z-Stack 1] You and your opponent have a total of 4 or more energy : Green "Son Gohan : Childhood" Leader.
[Permanent] If your Leader is a "Son Gohan: Childhood" card, this card's skills can't be negated.
[Permanent] If your Leader is a "SS Son Gohan, The Results of Fatherly Training" and this card would leave your Battle Area, place up to 1 "SS2 Son Gohan, Trigger to Fierce Rage" from under this card on top of your Leader, add cards from your life to your hand until you have 4 life left, and remove this card from the game instead.
[Auto] When your opponent plays a card or at the end of your opponent's turn, you may KO this card.
Card Type: Z-Battle
Color: Green
Energy(Color Cost): 1(G)
Z-Energy Cost: 1
Special Trait: Android
Power: 4000
Era: Android Cell Saga
Character: Android 16