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Bulma, Making a Wish

English - Near Mint - Foil
of 6 available
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Product Details
Rarity: Common
Number: BT21-118
Description: [Auto] If your Leader is a yellow "Vegeta" and you have 3 or more energy : When this card is played, reduce the energy cost of a "Whis, Time Regression" in your Z-Deck by for the turn.
[Activate:Main] [Limit 1] If you have 3 or more energy, you choose 2 of your energy in Rest Mode, and you place this card in your Drop : Choose up to 1 of your yellow "Vegeta" cards with an energy cost of 2, switch it to Active Mode, and all of the chosen cards will not switch to Active Mode during your next Charge Phase.
Card Type: Battle
Color: Yellow
Energy(Color Cost): 1(Y)
Special Trait: Earthling
Power: 1000
Combo Power: 5000
Combo Energy: 0
Era: Resurrection 'F' Saga
Character: Bulma