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Cell, About to Explode

English - Near Mint - Normal
of 12 available
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Product Details
Rarity: Uncommon
Number: BT21-072
Description: [Z-Awaken] Your life is at 1 : Green "Cell".
[Permanent] This card can't attack.
[Permanent] If there is a "Cell, Perfect Resurrection" under this card and your life becomes 0, instead of losing the game, choose all of your opponent's Battle Cards and Unisons other than Earthling Tokens, place them in their Drop, add the top 2 cards of your deck to your life, then place 1 "Cell, Perfect Resurrection" from under this card on top of this card.
[Auto] At the beginning of your turn, add all of your life to your hand.
Card Type: Z-Leader
Color: Green
Z-Energy Cost: 3
Special Trait: Android
Power: 10000
Era: Android Cell Saga
Character: Cell