Product Details
Rarity: Common
Number: BT21-131
Description: [Permanent] During a turn where one of your mono-yellow Leaders flips from its back side to its front, reduce the energy cost of this card by Y.
[Activate:Main] Y, choose up to 1 of your yellow "Son Goku" or "Vegeta" cards with an energy cost of 2, send it to your Warp, play that card from your Warp at the start of your next Main Phase, and that card gets +5000 power for the turn.
[Activate:Battle] [Limit 1] Choose up to 1 of your yellow "Son Goku" or "Vegeta" cards, and that card gets +10000 power for the battle.
Card Type: Extra
Color: Yellow
Energy(Color Cost): 1(Y)