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10x Kamehameha, Mighty Blast

English - Near Mint - Foil
of 17 available
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Product Details
Rarity: Expansion Rare
Number: EX23-03
Description: [Activate:Battle] Place 1 of your Z-Energy in your Drop, then remove this card from the game : Choose up to 1 of your cards and it gets +15000 power for the battle.
[Activate:Battle] R, if your Leader is red, you place 3 of your Z-Energy in your Drop, and you remove this card from the game : Draw 1 card, choose up to 1 of your cards and it gets +15000 power for the battle, then choose up to 1 of your opponent's Battle Cards and it gets -25000 power for the turn.
Card Type: Z-Extra
Color: Red
Energy(Color Cost): 1(R)
Z-Energy Cost: 1