Monday - Sunday 11AM - 8PM
Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto (092)

Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto (092)

English - Near Mint - Foil
of 5 available
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Product Details
Rarity: Rare
Number: UE01BT/BLC-1-092
Description: This character generates energy even if it is on the front line.
[During Your Turn] Your opponent's characters that lose to this character in battle are placed into their removal area instead of being sidelined.
Series Name: Bleach
Card Type: Character
Affinities: Thirteen Court Guard Squads
Activation Energy: Green
Required Energy: 5
Action Point Cost: 1
Battle Point (BP): 4000
Trigger: [Color] Play one green character card with 2 or less required energy and 1 AP cost from your hand set to active onto your field.
Generated Energy: G