Monday - Sunday 11AM - 8PM
Milotic ex

Milotic ex

English - Near Mint - Holofoil
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Product Details
Card Number: 96
Rarity: Ultra Rare
Card Type: Water
HP: 130
Stage: Stage 1
Card Text: Poke-BODY Mystery Scale
As long as Milotic ex is in play, each player can't play Technical Machine cards. Discard any Technical Machine cards attached to all Pokemon in play.
Attack 1: [W] Mega Bite (30)
The Defending Pokemon can't retreat until the end of your opponent's turn.
Attack 2: [2W] Energy Reflect (70)
Move 1 basic Energy card attached to Milotic ex to 1 of your Benched Pokemon.
Weakness: L
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: 2